U.S. Steinholding Association Steinholding State Representative Initiative

Volunteers Needed - USSA Steinholding State Representative Initiative

When we first created the U.S. Steinholding Association in 2015, the goal was for the organization to be the governing body for the sport of Steinholding and to help standardize and share it with more people. In the early days, the goals were setting up the website, creating the official rules, putting together training tips and the competition map, etc. Then the focus shifted to the next phase, which was organizing USSA-sanctioned competitions and the Venue Membership program, which eventually evolved into the State Steinholding Championship Tournaments that kicked off in 2021.

There is a massive amount of preparation and behind the scenes work that goes into running the State Tournaments, and with a few states it was a reasonable amount of work for our core team to manage with some targeted help from a few friends in the Steinholding community. But as the sport has continued to significantly increase in popularity each year since the launch of the USSA, there is more demand for Steinholding resources, more interest in being part of our existing State Championship Tournaments, and more people reaching out to ask us to bring a new tournament to their state.

This is all great news since it means that the organization's vision is coming to fruition, but the growth has also created an amount of administrative work that can no longer be managed without more help. Many Steinholding enthusiasts have reached out to us over the years with interest in getting involved with USSA, but we haven't had a process for bringing people into the fold. Necessity has now led us to finally figure out a good way to start moving USSA in the direction of becoming a more traditional volunteer-run amateur sporting organization with some of the responsibilities spread out among a team of volunteers who have a passion for the sport and want to see it continue to grow in popularity.

So, to allow us to continue growing the sport and the organization, we're looking for volunteers to become State Steinholding Representatives of the U.S. Steinholding Association. These State Representatives will help with electronic communications primarily, including recruiting and follow-up activities, as well as the potential for in-person, hands-on stuff like judging matches too if they want. In some cases, there will also be opportunities to serve as the point of contact between USSA headquarters and their state's competition venues and competitors.

The Details:

We know that people are busy, and we will be grateful for any amount of help we can get, so we're taking it slow with what we are asking volunteers to do. During peak Steinholding season the ideal time commitment for a volunteer State Steinholding Representative will probably be about 1-2 hours per week, but depending on how much time you have available to help, we can accommodate the schedules of anyone who would like to get involved with more or less time.

There are a variety of activities that we need help with, and we will provide all of the resources, training, and guidance necessary to do these things based on the experience that we have gained and processes that we have built over the last few years. Every little bit helps, so even if you don't feel that you're able to do everything on the list below, no problem- we can still use your help and we will find a way to include you. We have found that there is essentially an infinite amount of work that can be done when it comes to building and maintaining an organization like USSA, but here is the list of core activities that we could really use help with:

  • Help recruit qualifying competition venues in your state (note that we handle all communication activities via email or chat, so we won't ask you to make a bunch of phone calls)
  • Provide details and answer questions from prospective qualifying venues about the sport and the state tournament program
  • Communicate with registered qualifying venues to stay in touch and make sure they have the information and resources (and reminders) that they need to properly host an awesome qualifying competition
  • Contact the winners from each qualifying venue to share details about the state finals and confirm that they will be attending the state finals so we know who to expect on the big day
  • Communicate with the state finals hosting venue to ensure they know who will be competing, coordinate stein inventory, and help with any logistical questions
  • Work with the state finals venue to attend the championship and serve as a judge for the finals if you are available to do so

If you are interested in volunteering, we would love to hear from you! If you are ready to dive in, please fill out the volunteer intake survey form linked here and below, and if you have any questions, please contact Jim at jbanko@ussteinholding.com and we can chat! Prost and thanks for your support of the World's Greatest Fest-Sport!

Steinholding State Representative Volunteer intake/application form

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